The Kitty Nest

Since the kitties Chloe & Moe loved sleeping in front of my personal space heater on the Christmas tree skirt, my mom person made them a nest from my old crate mat and a fuzzy Harry Potter blanket.

At first they weren’t so sure about it…

But now it’s a fight to see who gets there first, Chloe…

Or Moe.

I sleep on the other side of my personal space heater, right next to my mom person when I’m not snuggled up on the Christmas quilt.  I won’t let them put that away till spring!



31 Responses »

  1. I LOVE that Harry Potter bed…but your quilt is gorgeous too and would I think you should dig your claws in and resist any attempt to put it away with the Christmassy things.

    Love and licks


  2. Oskaw
    I think you'we vewy smawt to pick that spot. It looks vewy cozy..Its fweezing hewe too so all of you stay wawm
    smoochie kisses

  3. We would like your Mom to come to our house and make us some heaty huts, too! All we get is a heaty pad in a padded, fleece-lined box. Lame.

  4. Just don't get too close and singe your furs Oskar! That's speakin' from experience.

    Woofs and heated slobbers,
    Chester ;0=)

  5. I think they need a bigger bed so they can curl up together…so cute! You are nice to share your heater with them Oskar.

  6. Oskar,
    You need to read my blogg. I left something for you. You are the most handsome German man dog I know. How could the doggies take up your space? How do they not know?
    Sally Ann

  7. I'm still wondering how those puss cats can live in the same house/room as a schnauzer. Grandpaw has a cat but he is NEVER anywhere around us!! Even though my cousins and I would LOVE to pay with him!! Tail Wuggles, Rubie.

  8. Ooo, cozy!
    Thanks for sending the email to AVA, I really hope the guy gets thrown into jail, or deported back to China.


  9. My feline siblings like to sleep on the radiator. It gets really hot and I don't know how they stand it, but they LOVE it. Kitties are odd.

    Your pal, Pip

  10. hey Oskar,

    What lucky pups and kitties you all are! Your own personal heater and your own comfy, warm beds! I am with you Oskar, the best place in the house is next to the human! Those kitties are not that smart, which is a good thing or they may take your place!

    Stay comfy and warm!


  11. Hi Oskar! Thanks for visiting our new bloggie. It looks very cold where you live. We think you and the kittehs all need your own space heaters. It's only fair.

  12. Looks COOZZZY!
    Your the cutest though, all snuggled up with your mum. 🙂
    That was very kind of your mum person to fix that kitty problem! I think you need two though. 😉

    Cuddles & licks,
    Love Miley xxx

    P.S. Sorry I haven't been around.. been busy with Christmas and stuff. 🙂

  13. hehehe kitties are smart and so adorable!
    I also love to take long naps near the central heating here.The weather is awful and I miss the sun, but I'm really happy now visiting you.My beans came back from Barcelona and my big brother Gui is also here with us.He came from Brazil to spend some time here in Lux.He has vacations from University, and it's cool because he loves to play with me! 🙂
    I wish you and your lovely family all the best, lots of love and purrs
    Luna – WE LOVE LUNA

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