
Here in Michigan in the spring it’s either 100 degrees or 55 degrees.  Mother Nature is not paying attention.  Maybe she’s bored.  Anyway this is my response to our 55 degress with thunder-storms day.

You’re comments on my toad post yesterday were most informative.  I have to admit that I know in my heart that putting toads in my mouth will make me miserable, but my schnazuer drive to conquer any land creature that I can find is much more powerful!  I must have toads!

You should stop by the Portuguese Water Blog today and check out their green bandana project!



28 Responses »

  1. TD is that way about bunnies and snakes:) But he says those don't make his mouth foam, just drool:)

    We hope you have a fun weekend.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

  2. Oskar, we are trying to send you photos for the bug event, but our emails keep getting rejected by your account.

    Help! theoppackATgmailDOTcom

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

  3. Maybe you need to go through some "de-frogging" training. That should keep you away from those nasty tasting frogs!

  4. Oskar, you're doing just the right thing for a 55 degree/thunderstormy day (of course it's a good thing to do for those 100+ days, too!). We're having the same kind of day here in Chicago, it's just not raining right now… :/

  5. I know what you mean about the WEATHER… THIS MORNING.. we had the Snow Locker Runnin… and then POOF.. the temp DROPPED to 68 in the middle of the afternoon.. Snow Locker OFF… WINDOWS OPEN.. Until it RAINS again!!

  6. Have a great weekend chilling out Oskar and looking after your Mom, hope she feels better soon, Dex & Lou x

  7. That's the best plan for a crummy weather day!

    Oskar, we sympathize about the toads. We eat crunchy grasshoppers, even though they make us foam.
    Every. Single. Time.

  8. Hey Oskar!
    Wow, can't say as I blame you there. It was 92 here Tuesday and now supposed to be 70 tomorrow. Go figure?!?! Anyway, on a cool rainy day the best answer is a really satisfying nap. Zaaaaa Enjoy!
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, COP

  9. It was actually 64 in Michigan today my friend!!! lol!!!!

    Wait 5 minutes and it will change again!

    I actually prefer this much more to the 95 we had a few days ago.

  10. Oskar….I just got back from a va-k-shun in Michigan. You're right. I about froze my tail off when we arrived and then just about cooked on Memorial Day. At least here at home it's always HOT!

  11. Your weather sounds a lot like what we've had, but finally we got a good weekend!

    Bwaaaaaa ha ha! I am laughing so hard about your toad post! I've heard that they taste nasty!


  12. That's the perfect way to spend a 55 degree thunderstorm filled day sweet Oskar. You all have a fun weekend. Hugs and nose kisses

  13. We have had a rude start to winter here in Australia… we have had the coldest May for years and years – and the June is not playin' any nicer. It's burrr cold – so you should be soakin' up some warm stuff Oskar!

    Tail Wuggles, Rubie.

  14. Crazy weather! We've had colder-than-usual weather this year.

    XXXOOO Daisy and Kendra

    Love you in your bandanna, Oskar.

    Smooches and kisses, Bella

  15. Hey I get it! I must have groundhogs and squirrels and chipmunks and fast moving kiddie ankles and birds and vacuums…it's all good…its your job!

  16. Funny how the weather can't make up its mind! It's cold and very wet here today. We kitties want the sun to come out and play!

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