Woozle-less Wednesday

This is a sad Oskar face…

Why so sad?  I went to the groomer yesterday & they cut my woozle off!

There should be more beard (woozle) underneath my chin, but it’s gone!

They trimmed it all off & now my face looks nakie!  I hope Bella doesn’t see me like this.  What girl could love a woozle-less wonder on a supposed-to-be bearded doggie?



44 Responses »

  1. Oskar, I think you look very handsome!!! If you were my dog that is how you would look all the time, b/c I don't like lots of hair or fur around your face.
    I have been that way all my life and I don't know why!!
    You are so handsome!!!
    xx, Fern

  2. Woozle-less or not, you look so handsome, Oskar. We don't think Bella will even notice.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  3. Oh gosh Oskar – we sure hope the woozle-less look works for the ladies as we prefer to wear our woozles short, especially in the summer. We're sure Bella will find you most adorable!

    Schnauzer snuggles – JD and Max.

  4. Don't worry Oskar. Your face looks just as handsome with or without a woozle (hehehe I like that word). No worries (for sure), and love, Stella

  5. Hi Y'all,

    Oskar, you look terrif! Why my Papa shaves everyday. Okay so he's a Human, but I've seen humans with beards. My Momma likes beards trimmed or shaved completely off. Okay, so she's Human too.

    Still…better trimmed neat than shaggy and ragged.

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  6. Hi Y'all,

    Oskar, you look terrif! Why my Papa shaves everyday. Okay so he's a Human, but I've seen humans with beards. My Momma likes beards trimmed or shaved completely off. Okay, so she's Human too.

    Still…better trimmed neat than shaggy and ragged.

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  7. Oh don't you worry…your beard will be back soon!! If your hairs grow anything like mine…you may wake up and have it tomorrow!!!

  8. Assess, your woozle isn't gone! It's just…tidy, just you wait, sometime in the not too distant future, your woozle will return.

  9. You look very handsome to us, Oskar! Now your beardie won't be dragging so much when you get a drink of water!

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch

  10. Never mind Oskar, at least you get out of the nightly beard combing ritual, SHE finds all sorts of theings in our beards!! You still look very cool my friend, Dex and Lou xxx

  11. Oh, Oskar, I can see your pain in your tortured expression, particularly in those last two pictures!

    Fear not, your woozle will grow back! (My human thinks you look really handsome like that, but what do humans know?)

    I'm sure Bella knows that beauty… er… handsomeness is more than woozle-deep, and she will continue to love you for all of your schnauzerly qualities!

    Puppy kisses

  12. Oskar,
    You look handsome with, or without, your Woozle! Was your Mom mad at the groomed! I was very upset when the groomer scalped Winston..Twice!

  13. Gee Oscar…yer hairs will grow back….fer sure….but it may take a while….bet any girl would be happy ta make yer acquaintence just as ya are….

    Dewey Dewster here…

  14. Oh Oskar can I give you some tips? If you want to keep your beard, it's quite easy. After all the clippers and the hands of the person doing the clipping are always within easy reach of one's teeth, during the beard clipping process, if you get what I mean?
    Toodle pip!

  15. You look lovely without your woozle Oskar. However, our hoomin would be pretty sad if our woozles were snipped off.

    It will grow back.

    Woofs and Happy Waggles

  16. Querido Oskar…
    Lindas fotos. Voce é muito fofo.
    Amo entrar no seu blog e ver suas fotos e histórias. É legal.
    Gosto quando voce vai ao meu blog também e estou esperando voce seguir meu blog (JOIN THIS SITE – MY BLOG ) . Entende?
    Vai ser legal ter sua foto junto aos meus amigos-seguidores também.
    Bom final de semana.
    Aus 1000 com amor…


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