31 Responses »

  1. Oh Oskar, sweet friend,
    You look very comfortable there!It's a purrrfect spot for a nap…please go on!
    Luna – WE LOVE LUNA

  2. Oskar! Yous the dog! My hairy slobbery sister thinks getting up at 6:30 is what Mommy should do EVERYDAY! Even Weekends, holidays!

  3. Good for you sweet Oskar…we can see why you would not want to leave that comfy bed. You keep enjoying Hugs and nose kisses

  4. Enjoy the happy zzzzz time, Oskar! Way to go!

    Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai, Wai-Max & Forgie (Tabby, too)

  5. You are a funny fella Oskar. I always love to get mum out of bed really early. You're very lucky to sleep on your mum's bed. Its looks sooo comfy. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  6. Ha! I was hungry so I made momma get up and feed me. Then I went back to bed to digest and she was all grouchy. Why don't the humans follow our example of good living?


  7. You look so comfy and happy!

    I just wanted to introduce myself. I am a new follower, new blogger AND new puppy!

    So glad to find the blog of such a handsome Miniature Schnauzer!

    Licks and Love,

  8. Oh Oskar!! A doggie after my own heart! I so agree…mornings are SO overrated!!!!

    Honey the Great Dane

  9. Olá amiguinho Oskar…
    Quero te dar um FELIZ DIA DAS CRIANÇAS. Aqui no Brasil amanhã comemoramos este dia.
    Divirta-se e seja sempre alegre.
    Aus com amor da amiguinha brasileira…


  10. You look like a cat, snuggled up on the bed. Only our cats do that. Sorry Oskar, but the truth has to be said 😉 (I'm only jealous of course)

  11. Oh, I just luuuuuuuvs mornings! They're so exciting! But Brudder Ranger's with you, Oskar. He'd rather snuggle down and sleep in.

    Wiggles & Wags,

  12. What??? You don't get your hoomans up at 4:30 in the morning?

    My Mama says she wants to come live with u!!!

    (((Hugs)) your friends
    Oskar, Schatzi & Xena

  13. Oh Oscar
    There is nothing better than a warm snuggly bed.. The sheets are perfect and the pillow is perfect,,and the timing is perfect.
    Just stay right where you are!

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