Multi-tasking With My Dad Person

When we got up this morining, I tried to get my dad person to help me blog, but you can see by his sleepy eyes that he was not up for it.

So I agreed to help him read the paper (sometimes he gets stuck on the big words).

From this perch I can still watch my back yard for Devil squirrels.

I’ve already chased off two of them!

Whatever you’re doing today, I hope it involves family & fun.

Pee S – We’re having a giveaway on Pet Blogs United, our first of 3 this week.  You can check it out here.



20 Responses »

  1. Oskar your dad is soooooo lucky to have YOU there to help him with the Hard Words.
    I wonder why it is that Peeps are so SLOW to get going in the mornings? I may have to ask Benny about that.
    It is good that you can Multi Task… Helpin your DAD to read and Keepin your Eyes peeled fur EVIL Ones!!!

  2. Ah! Evil Squirrels! We has those too! Kozmo and cinnamon loves to chase them!
    What a great way to spend the day!
    Happy easy Sundat

  3. We luf Sunday morning wif the fambly too! Good to see you help Dad wif his reading. (we would haf shredded it) Happy Sunday Oskar!

  4. Do you help him with the crosswords Oskar? Mr Darcy tries to help me, but the only word he ever seems to come up with is 'treats'… funny that… πŸ™‚

  5. hey Oskar,

    Looks like you are having a lovely Sunday with your peeps! You dad is very lucky to have you helping him with the big words in the newspaper. And chasing off the Devil squirrels to boot! You are a great multi-tasker! I hope you are aptly rewarded!


  6. Howdy Oskar, we want to give you a tip. Get your Dad up even earlier then by the time you are ready to play he will be past his tired, sleepy phase and ready to roll. Our mum loves a 6.00 am start. Really. She does. hehehe. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  7. LOL, your dad person doesn't look at his best in that first photo πŸ˜‰ You, dear Oskar, always look great. Even if I can't see if that is your front or your back end on that cushion πŸ˜‰

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