Category Archives: My Dad Person

My People’s Earth Day Training

For Earth Day, my peeps went to an Adopt-a-Stream event to learn how to volunteer for the Clinton River Watershed Council.

They learned how to collect bugs and data twice a year to help measure the health of a stretch of the river.

Here she goes in her waders into the stream.  She wants me to tell you that her butt is not that big, it’s the waders…yeah right!

They had little nets to capture bugs in and had to sample different areas of the river to collect a wide variety.

Here she is digging in.

And she was very proud that she made it back out of the river without falling on her wader-enlarged butt.

I was not invited to the event, but I’m proud of them for doing something good for Earth Day.  I celebrated my earth by roaching around in my back yard.


Guess Where I Am?

Can you guess where I am?

I guess it should be, can you guess what I’m doing?  My mom person is with me…

and my dad person is with me, too.

I’m camping!

But who goes camping when it’s in the low 40’s?  My peeps that’s who!  Guess where I hung out when it got too cold for me (I don’t like campfires.  Fires scare me are too hot.)

Hmm, I thought this was gonna be fun…we’ll have to see if it warms up.


They’re Not Too Photogenic

My mom person is slowly getting better (too slowly), but I convinced her and my dad person to send out a nice New Years Greeting.

You’ll see that this is yet another amazing picture of me.  They look a little crazy.

Here’s one where they look closer to acceptable.

I’m looking into the future, into 2012, thinking about how much fun 2012 is going to be.

Happy New Year!!!

PhotobucketAnd Family

Multi-tasking With My Dad Person

When we got up this morining, I tried to get my dad person to help me blog, but you can see by his sleepy eyes that he was not up for it.

So I agreed to help him read the paper (sometimes he gets stuck on the big words).

From this perch I can still watch my back yard for Devil squirrels.

I’ve already chased off two of them!

Whatever you’re doing today, I hope it involves family & fun.

Pee S – We’re having a giveaway on Pet Blogs United, our first of 3 this week.  You can check it out here.


A Great Time!

My dad person & I got some quality play time in recently.  I was playing with Blue, a Hartz Dura Play toy, which is my very favorite at the moment!

I’m flying!

Hurry up, kick it!

Can you see me at the very far edge of the yard?

Whew, I’m worn out just thinking about it.

I hope you had a ball with someone you love today!
