No Squirrel Is Coming In My Yard!

Here I am, sound asleep, when my Oskie senses start tingling!

I knew it!  A big fat squirrel trying to infiltrate my territory!


I sprang into action after him, telling him that this was my yard.

He ran up that tree pretty fast & yelled at me the whole time. 

From now on I’ll have to keep a closer watch.

If you haven’t been yet, hop over to Pet Blogs United & enter to win the Hartz Angry Birds Pet Toy prize pack.  We have one for cats & one for dogs.  Look around while you’re there, cause there are several great giveaways that have been running all week, with more to come tomorrow!



38 Responses »

  1. That squirrel just knew he had it made while you were snoozing…guess you fooled him, huh sweet Oskar. The nerve of him trying to infiltrate my territory and yelling at you too, who does he think he is anyway? Good job defending your territory! Hugs and nose kisses

  2. Oh dears, dat squirrel was awfully close to your house…dat just won't do.
    My yard is full of fat squirrels from them eatinf pecans so they is slow now…bwhahahahaha…easier to catch.


  3. Hi Oskar,
    It has been a while since we have talked!!! Good to see you are on the job!!! You are a good guy Oskar!!!!
    xx, Zoie & Fern

  4. Hey Oskar!
    Wow, great job! Obviously the nap was timed perfectly to ensure you had maximum energy. Rotten tree rats. He'll think twice next time! BOL I'm adding your PBU giveaways to the BCCalendar.
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, COP

  5. Great work….I mean you were all snuggled up in that Christmas quilt, but you KNEW that squirrel was there…what hearing.

    That's my boy! Love, Bella

    XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Roxy

  6. Hi Oskar – you showed that pesky squirrel devil who owns your yard!!! Looks like you should sleep with ONE eye open!

    Tail Wuggles, Rubie

  7. Oh you go, Oskar! Good on you. I have the same reaction to birds – especially ravens who sit on our fence and taunt me.



  8. You tell him, Oskar. We don't have squirrels around our yard – small trees – but we have a few big fat bunnies that are driving us nuts. One of these days.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  9. Hey Oskar

    Trying to be brave again for mom?

    Well, just be careful. I can't recall reading about adorable schnauzers being capable of climbing up trees.

    Huggies and Cheese,


  10. Hi Oskar

    Thanks ever so much for our pawsome Christmas card. WE love it.

    Molly, Taffy, Monty and Winnie

  11. Wow Oskar, your Oskie sense is got to be better than Spider Man's Spidie sense. You sure scared off that squirrel in a flash!

  12. Oh no!! We had one try to infiltrate our domain too!! Good thing we gots extra special "spidey senses" to keep them at bay!

    We say it's time for a nap now!

    (((Hugs)) your friends
    Oskar, Schatzi & Xena

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