Whoo-Hoo, I Deaded Me A Possum

Just like my mighty friend Puddles, I has deaded me a critter!

It was a dark & stormy night.  OK, it was just a breezy night, but I smelled the wretched stench of interlopers in my territory.

After some quick maneuvering I had my prey.  A viscious possum!

I hunted him and deaded him all by myself.  I am Oskar mighty warrior!

*note from Oskar’s mom person.  Oskar scared the possum into playing dead.  We can’t tell him that though because his ego could not stand the blow.  No possums were deaded in the making of this post.  Just please don’t tell Oskar!



38 Responses »

  1. Way to go Oskar! I keep trying to dead a rabbit that comes in my yard (and those birds, of course) but my mama yells at me before I can catch the varmint!

  2. Actually, our mom likes opposums, so she is glad it is just play deaded! The poor, vishus thing! But we are so proud of you, Oskar, might warrior hunter. We bow to you!

  3. Oskar, you are truly a mighty hunter!

    We have lots of possums around here, but my human won't let me climb the trees and power poles to catch them, and when we see them walking along the street she makes me stay on the other side of the road.

    I'm very proud of your deading ability!

    Puppy kisses

  4. Good job Oskar!

    and thank you mom for letting us know the possum was not hurt (its a secret between us right?)

  5. Our mom is laughing and is very glad the poor possum was only playing dead. But she promises not to say a word to Oskar!

  6. You did an awesome job, Oskar! I hope you got a treat for your heroic service!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  7. Good work there Oskar! What's with those "cat-rats" anyway. (Thats what I call possums). Your cat rat is much smaller than the one I saw in my yard — but nonetheless — you did great protecting your territory.

  8. OSKAR YOU are a HERO.. This is the most AWSOME POSSUM Deadening I have EVER seen in my entire LIFE!!

    WaaaaaROOOO OSKAR !!! I am so very much proud of you!!!

  9. *Bowing *. Oh Gweat Warrior Oskar, you suwe did deaded that interloper, Mr. Possum! Way to go, Dude,

    Your furiends,
    Winston, Chlie and Cecil

  10. Hey Oskar, You are one ferocious guy deading up a possum like that.
    Evfurry buddy at dogblogville will be proud of what you did!


  11. High Paw Oskar!!! It is a good thing you deaded that possum, they eat holes in your house and can carry the Lepto disease! Stay safe!

  12. MOL!!!!
    That is too funny the possum played dead which was very nice of him so Oskar's ego is I tact!
    I certainly will not tell. Mo says she has never seen a possum play dead.
    Hugs madi your BFFF

  13. Oh Oskar, you sure are a stunner with your ability to dead the possum. Well done mate. That possum didn't stand a chance with you around. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  14. Great job, Oskar. TD once deaded a possum too. Boy did that possum scare the daylights out of Mom who really thought he was dead She screamed really loud when he jumped off the shovel Mom had put him on:) BOL. It was pretty funny to see.

    Woos – Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  15. Oh those opossums are VERY TRICKY! I'm glad you actually got this one Oskar. I get ours several times a year and then it walks off. What's up with that?


  16. Hey Oskar!
    Wow, you are totally a mighty killer beast dog! Great job of bashing that critter. They are very scary and tough. I'm totally impressed!
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, COP

  17. We had the exact same thing happen here at our house–In fact, it was brought INTO our house. It played its role so well, it deserved an Oscar, and it totally scared me and made our crew feel like great warriors too!!

    I hope you're enjoying your weekend!!

  18. LOL, and here I was thinking "Ew, Oskar's got skanky possum mouth and his mom is taking pictures?!" I'd have Koly pinned down brushing his teeth!

  19. OMD Oskar I has nevers been so impressed in my life…I wanna be just likes you!
    You could even hire out yourself furs protection services.

    PS: I gots myself a big honkin' RAT friday night…mum bouts hurled.

  20. EEEEEEEEEEK! My assistant is super scared of possums! She could barely look at this post. She seriously freaks out even at the thought of them.

    Your pal, Pip

  21. Oh my goodness, your possums are SO much cuter than ours Down Under!! Gosh we thought that was a little toy when we first saw it!

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