Monthly Archives: November 2010

Holiday Hop for Pets Starts at Midnight!


And thanks to Felissa at Two Little Cavaliers, we get to play along.  You see the money papers are tight here in Oskarville, but Felissa has donated an awesome prize that we get to giveaway to one of our followers.

The Holiday Hop for Pets starts at 12:01 tonight (tomorrow morning?) so make sure to come back for your chance to win, then you hop your way to tons of great giveaways!
Just so you don’t miss me, here’s a picture of me!


Walkies In My Coat

I got to go for a walkie on Sunday, but I had to wear my coat.  I didn’t let that stop me from having fun.

Checking the pee-mail

What’s that?

Let’s go this way & see who’s barking

Hmm, this guy wasn’t friendly, but I wouldn’t be either if I was on a short leash in the cold weather, poor guy.

Here’s me showing how good I can sit & stay.

My mom person pretending to smile!

Time to head home, follow me.

Me & my dad person at the end of our long journey.

Thanks for going along with me on my walk guys!


What I Do With My Day

Camera Critters

My mom person says I have some issues I need to work on.  Apparently I’m demanding!

Out please.


In please.


Well you get the idea.  Someone who’s not doing anyting important anyway thinks that this is excessive.

Who is supposed to patrol the perimeter I ask you??

Check out what all the other Camera Critters are doing!


Friendly Friday #5


So sorry we are late with out Friendly Friday post.  My mom person has been feeling the sickies!

We want to introduce to our beautiful, and always happy Maggie Mae from Maggie Mae Says.  Just look at this face!

Maggie Mae loves her some snow, I’m hoping to be able to send her some of mine this winter.

Miss Maggie Mae is always full of good humor and lovliness, so please go visit & tell her that Oskar sent you!


My Holey Roller

Earlier I told you about my presents from The Booker Man & Asa, and I also told you about the Devil Squirrel that stole my corn cob toy.

Well there are also lots of yummy treats & my very favorite of all.  My friend Frankie Furter calls it a holey roller.

It’s that cool green ball in the corner.

My mom put a treat in the ball & I waited patiently with a good sit.

Look at that treat in the ball!

Now I get to get it out.  My mom person says it’s good for my brain stimulations, and it is fun to work it out of there.

As DOG as my witness that devil squirrel will not get my holey roller!


I’m Grounded!

I told you yesterday about how I was deemed demanding.  Well today my in & out activity was curtailed because I got grounded!

I went out…

But when I came in I left this.

And maybe some mud stains on the carpet…  So now I’m grounded.


If the perimeter is breached, do not blame me!


You’re Not Going To Believe This!

Do you see this super-cool, bacon-flavored, corn cobbie toy that Booker & Asa sent me?

It rocked!  It took it outside for immediate playing gratification.

It rocked.  After a good long chew, I retired into the house for a rest.  When I went back out to my yard guess what was gone?  My super-cool, bacon-flavored, corn cobbie toy!  My yard is securely fenced.  There can only be one culprit…my nemesis, the Devil Squirrel!

My dad person raked, mowed and totally went over the yard yesterday and no sign of my super-cool, bacon-flavored, corn cobbie toy.  I will avenge this injustice!

Presents from The Booker Man & Asa!

My good friend The Booker Man, sent me some amazing presents after I won a contest on his blog!

Look at this package!

Look how well behaved I am being!

Holy cow, it’s the motherlode!

Look how cool this is!  A picture of The Booker Man & Asa.

I can smell them!

This stuff rocks!

What do you mean the paper needs to come off, I’m ready to play!

Thank you so much guys!  2 bags of treats & 3 awesome toys!  You guys will be reading more about them later this week!