More Fun With Blue Ball!

When I’m playing with my blue ball, or to use his proper name, Blue, I really like him to get a feel for things so I put him in the dirt as much as possible.

Wait I know a great spot!

I can dig a great new hole over here.  My mom person likes it so much when I help with the landscaping like this she yells and waves her arms with joy!

I put Blue in the hole for maximum dirt-spit mixing, of course.  Perfect!

Needs more spit.

Okay, I’m ready chase me now.

Ooh here’s my propeller too.  I guess I better start the process all over again!



35 Responses »

  1. dude
    I can't believe your mom person won't let you plant your ball and let more grow. Jeepers .Frankie has the milk bone tree.

  2. Hahahaha! You're a dog so you might not get this, but "blue ball" really cracked me up!! Blue and Propeller look like mighty fun toys though.

  3. That looks like so much fun. Me and my Theo like to play with a soft stuffed goose! He is the best.

    Licks and Love,

  4. you look so awesome digging your hole! we need to help more with the landscaping too. can you believe yuki and i have never dug a real hole? just imaginary holes on furniture, beds, rugs, and blankets. oh and we have a favorite blue ball too, mom is going to have to get us a new one though, because the squeaky is all gone!

    ♥yuki and rocket

  5. That is only FAIR… they BOTH would want to share in the Spit and Dirt. You are SOOOOOOOOO very much good to your toys… they must LOVE YOU!

  6. hee hee! Cosmo loves his balls and frisbees too! Looks like you had a great time!
    Your pals,
    Diane and Cosmo Havansese

  7. You sure do love your blue bumpy ball. Brudder Max (DaOdderWeenie) chewed a hole in one of the bumps the same day I brought it home!


  8. Hi hi hi Oskar,
    Hi there Oskar, I have high speed!!!!!! I am so happy!!!
    come on over and see!!!!
    xx, Happy cat & Fern mom

  9. Oskar, you sure know how to have a lot of fun with your pal, Blue. Ciara loves the part about you helping Blue get the feel for the dirt – she thinks dirt is like gold.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  10. Lots of spit and frequent dirt baths are two of the most important things you can do to keep a ball happy and healthy. Your ball is lucky you take such good ca of him!

  11. Hi Oskar
    I love your "blue"!
    It looks like so much fun to stuff it down in the holes that you dig.
    Your also a great hole digger.
    You could help your mama plant some bulbs,, you are so good, and then she would be really happy. I just know it.
    You – my little friend are too cute!

  12. My Mom at first thought your post said "More Fun With Blue Bell". (the ice cream) She got terribly excited. (cod luf her)

    Pee Ess – good spit to dirt ratio is impawtant. Did your Mom get our e-mail?

  13. When I'm feeling blue
    All I have to do
    Is take a look at you
    Then I'm not so blue….

    You know that song, Oskar? I'll sing it for you. purrr….meow!

  14. Oskar
    We love your pictures, especially the 2nd one. You look like you are doing the Yoga pose- Crow! Very good job!

    Chloe, Cecil and Winston

  15. Howdy Oskar, we just love how you play with Blue. Dig and play, dig and play, just how we all like it, especially your mum. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  16. I think you and Bella should get together sometimes and just have a treasure hunt.. hehhehehehehe..

    i can imagine your momma waving her arms and yelling with joy.. *BOL*

  17. You're so funny, Oskar! Are you trying to plant Blue and water him with spit so there'll be more Blues? You'll have to leave Blue in the hole for a much longer period in order for that to happen, though. 😉

  18. Oskar you're too funny! Good thing your hooman doesn't ban you from running around the yard because you keep on digging holes 🙂

    Qish & Rue

  19. Atta boy Oskar! Pawfect seasoning spot ya dug there 😉 Toys always taste better with a lil grit on em huh? 😀

    So happy your Mom supports your landscape work so much! Gotta ask Mom to start flappin her arms in excitement when I dig. Always nice to have your fans cheering you on! ;D

    Waggin at ya,

  20. Hey Oskar!
    Wow, looks like Blue is a perfect toy! My peeps get all excited when I dig too. Love the dirt-spit mixing! BWAR HAR HAR
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, COP

  21. Great job on landscaping the yard! Don't you love it when humans act like cheerleaders and start jumping up and down trying to get our attention. They think we don't see or hear them — but we are silently laughing at them in our minds. Bwah-ha-ha-ha.

  22. Hey Oskar I thinks you is doing a grrreat job with your toys. You really treat them well. All that mud, how nice!

    woos, Tessa

  23. I think your blue ball looks like a bundle of fun!!

    P.S. Don't forget to stop by our blog THIS week and enter the "name game" contest I'm hosting, for my newest guide dog puppy – it only takes a few seconds to do… and you may end up being the winner!

  24. Good job, Oskar! My mom gets all excited like that, too, when I help her with the gardening. Aren't humans cute that way?

    I sure do like Blue. And I know Blue likes you, too!

    Wiggles & Wags,

  25. I LOL'd!

    "My mom person likes it so much when I help with the landscaping like this she yells and waves her arms with joy!"

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