5:00 AM…Really?

My mom person got up at 5 AM and said, “Oskar let’s go blog, what should we write about?”

We should write about how it’s 5 AM and you woke me up.

And we can write about how it’s nice to curl up in a pile of quilts in the middle of a sun puddle…

and go to sleep while your crazy mom person is blogging.

She may be my mom person, but that doesn’t mean she isn’t mad as a hatter!



38 Responses »

  1. We need to put our Moms together, Oskar – ours is up at 4:30 most mornings. And then there is Phantom who thinks that 2:30 a.m. is the time to wake the pack.

    Happy blogging.

    Woos – Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  2. All these early risers want is a cup of coffee and a little company.
    Would it hurt you guys to provide that?

    Stella, who gets up at 8 am and has her Mom trained to do the same.

  3. Don't you just hate when they wake you up – of course, unless they feed you! I only get up at 5:00 a.m if there is a cheeseburger or pizza waiting for me.

    Your pal, Pip

  4. I do this to Roxy all the time… Sorry Pets. 🙂

    I often ask Roxy what I should write about but all she responds with is: Ruffffff!

    Flynnah & Roxy xx

  5. I have one of those ….. 5.10am, even on a weekend. I don't mind in the Summer but in the Winter, seriously, what is that about? Love your sun puddle!



  6. I have one of those ….. 5.10am, even on a weekend. I don't mind in the Summer but in the Winter, seriously, what is that about? Love your sun puddle!



  7. It's pitch black here at 5 a.m. Our sun puddles aren't arriving until after 7:30 AND we don't get them on a nice comfy couch.

    Hey, if your mum wants to blog that early–let her. It's better than not getting it done.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  8. Haha, we agree – blogging is fun but 5am is a bit TOO enthusiastic!
    Go back to sleep Oskar.
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  9. Beautiful sun puddle Oskar. K, it's 4:30 here and I'm doin what you did and Mom's doin what your Mad Hatter Mom did so what's that mean? I'm thinkin Mad Hatter Mom's are the Bomb 😉

    Waggin at ya,

  10. How did you get the sun to shine at 5AM, Oskar? It's 5AM at my house right now and it's still dark out there!

    Love ya lots,

  11. Oskar when do these Moms sleep??? Some are up at 4:30 WOW too early for me and Zoie!! We get up at normal time 7:30!!!

  12. Oskar, I feel you pain.
    Even though it's MY blog, my girl is constantly on the laptop. I've had to resort to carrying my own toys down and laying them at her feet. Then I sit and STARE.
    ; ) Katie

  13. Hehehe, Oskar, we think our mum is a little cracker at times too. Sshhh don't tell her we said that! No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  14. Howdy Oskar, we had a hiccup and our angel brother's blog name came up on our comment. He's still looking out for us hehe. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  15. Dear Oskar,
    Life sometimes is crazy and beans always busy, but they are wonderful beans indeed. You are enjoying a delicious sunshine there, it's so cool!
    Love and purrs to your heart,
    Luna – WE LOVE LUNA

  16. 5AM!! That is a little mad, we have never been up at 5AM, doesn't the day only start at like 9am?!

    Lots of slobbers,
    Lexi and Jasper the Danes

  17. Hi Oskar, we're sorry we're so late in responding. Thank you for stopping by my boggie twice. We really appreciate your posts. My peeps have been crazy busy and haven't done much else except take care of us. We think that you're a good looking dude.

  18. Wow, we don't get that much sun in our house EVER! Especially not at 5am. I think you should move over to the other side of the couch where there is less sun.

  19. We agree with you Oskar, those mom people do some strange things like getting up at a crazy hour and blogging – however, we enjoyed the post!!

  20. Thank you for making that clear. We feel the same about our Jan but for different reasons. She wouldn't know how to find the computer at 5 am. Humans!

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