Working Hard To Relax

After my terrifying run-in with the Scarlet Puppynickel, I’m taking the advice of my bloggy friends who have been here before me. I’m taking extra naps to recover, while trying to watch out for the Puppynickel.

You see there is an adorable shis tzu, Sasha, that lives right here in my own town. I’d feel terrible if he got her too. I’m hoping that since she’s not a miniature schnauzer, she will be spared, but you never know.

I’m trying to sleep, if you’re not scritching my belly to soothe me, go away.

OK, that’s better.

Hmm, I better go & check for Puppynickel, have you got my back?

Hmm, the coast looks clear, I better find another place to rest. This is my boy John’s bed/couch.

Uh oh, did you hear that?

This where I was napping when he smeard the mud on my paws, so I have to be careful.

Still no Puppynickel, I’d better go rest. I’ll try John’s chair this time.

*sigh* I must stay vigilant. There will be no true resting until I know the Scarlet Puppynickel is caught.



19 Responses »

  1. Oh no Oskar! You should rest, we wish we were ther to help you guard your home; we could all take turns. Of course…. Calvert would probably fall asleep on the job!

    (calvert's napping, as usual!)

  2. Oskar, I fear he will attack here next, I am also keeping a vigilant eye out. I won't rest until I know he is far from Michigan. Please alert me with a barking chain,if you see or hear of him.

    licks and sniffs, Sasha

  3. Keep your eyes open, he could attack any minute. You must be aware. Maybe you set up a trap, then you could relax. Napping will help.
    Sally Ann

  4. Oskaw
    It must be soo hawd to twy to get some west while you awe on alewt fow the dastawdly puppynickel..I hope he is caught soon so youw sweet naps won't be intewwupted
    smoochie kisses

  5. Hi Oskar.

    Nice to meet you. Thanks for visiting my bloggy. There are a couple of doggies like you at the training place. They are very quite bossy, but not bad little chaps.


  6. Don't worry, Oskar, the Scarlet Puppynickel has moved on – he's back in Australia…

    You can sleep easy now… um… except that… er… well… maybe you shouldn't check out my blog for a while, if you're worried about sleeping…

    Puppy kisses

  7. Hi Oskar!!!
    Nice to meet you!!!!!!!!
    thanks for your comment on our blog!!!
    We love have new friends!!!!
    You and your blog are wonderful and sure we'll visit you often!!
    can we add you at our friends' list???
    what a great gurdian of your home you're!!!!
    would love were with you to protect your home with you!!!!
    Have a wonderful weekend and we hope to hear from you again soon!!!!!
    Lots of love and kisses sweet Oskar!!!!

  8. Hi Oskar – we are sorry to hear that you are suffering from post traumatic puppynickel disorder, we think you are coping very well given the circumstances. We hope you get to nap properly soon….! Schnauzer snuggles – JD and Max.

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