Category Archives: Moe


Fall is usually fun in Michigan. Lots of walk through crunchy leaves, warm cinnamon donuts and yummy stews cooking on the stove.. Hmph, not this fall. It’s cold, colder & rainy!

You can see I am losing hope, as I am putting up no fight sharing my couch with my “sisters”.

Here’s the chubby calico, Chloe.

The timid Tortiseshell, Moe.

And me the sad schnauzer, Oskar.

Here’s the ickiness.



My Bad Cats

Now I have to say my friends like Bruce and Luna have convinced me that not all cats are evil. But the ones that I live with are evil to me sometimes.

Yesterday I was walking past my sister Moe and she slapped me right on the nose!! I don’t think that’s very kind. So when she decided she wanted to lay on the couch where I was laying, I took precautions.

Once she was left, I was safely able to move from my fortress of pillows to lay where I wanted to lay.

Not all cats are our friends!


A Day For Moe

Since my photographer is off today, I thought I’d let my mom person post some pictures of one of the cats, Moe.

She’s sleeping by my mom person’s computer.




That can’t be comfortable!


Sorry I’ve been gone for so long. My mom person had some problems & I haven’t learned to type yet.

This is just a mish mash of stuff that’s been going on here.

Here’s me & my dad person on Father’s day. I was giving him extra snuggles so he knew that I love him.


Here I am today, just resting.


O.K., I was resting in the bathtub, there were loud thunder noises, so I knew I needed to guard my mom persons bath pillow. She really likes that pillow.


While all of this was going on, the cats were planning something. I think they’re up to no good, You can see it in their eyes. We’ll see what happens.



The Cats, Again…

My mom person made me suggested I post once again about the cats. I’m sure you are all as thrilled as I am *yawn*

Here is Chloe cloaked in the shadow of darkness.


She’s getting ready to pounce on Moe’s head in 3…2…


Hopefully tomorrow we can get back to your regularly scheduled schnauzer.



My mom person says I have to “let Moe share the spotlight.” Moe is one of the cats my mom person calls my sisters. We have already established that this is a lie.

Anyway, here are some action shots of Moe.






Yeah, that’s it. That is Moe. Hope you could keep up with that flurry of activity.

Next time we’ll get back to you’re regularly scheduled schnauzer.


The Perfect Solution

My people had someone make this containment device for the cats.


It seems to be incomplete. Hopefully a fence will be installed around it soon. It is very important that cats know their place around here!
