Monthly Archives: October 2010

Picture for Shiloh

My friend Shiloh from Team Beaglebratz liked the picture that I did of my Monnie & Bucka the other day, so he asked me to draw a picture of him.

It’s kind of hard to hold the crayons, ya know that whole lack-of-thumb thing but I made a picture just for Shiloh.

I tried to copy this picture.

So here’s my version.

How did I do?


My Dad Person Has An Owie!

Whew, today has been a rough one.  My mom person I got waked up with a call saying my dad person was in a car accident.  He’s OK, but his back is hurting pretty bad. 

I’m laying with him to help him get better faster.  Here is what his car looks like.

I guess the car is damaged pretty bad, but it’s ok, cause my dad person is going to be ok.

I don’t even mind that I didn’t get any oatmeal and ham this morning.


No Way!

So this week my mom person got the motor home all packed & ready to go!  You know what this means?  A camping trip.  Here’s me on our last camping trip.

I was all ready to go, but noticed my stuff was in a bag by the front door, not in the motor home!

Then they drove away.  In the motor home.  WITHOUT ME!  I almost fainted I barked so hard trying to tell them that they forgot me.  How could they?

But then my human grandparents, Monnie & Bucka showed up to get me, remember them?

Well guess what?  The front door was locked & they couldn’t come in!  THEN THEY DROVE AWAY!  Friends, there were no witnesses, but I’m pretty sure I fell asleep fainted.

When I came to, Monnie was back to get me.  I got to spend all weekend playing with her and their doggie Buster.  Buster just had eye surgery so he had to wear a cone.  I was extra good not to do anything wrong so that I didn’t get the cone of shame.

There are no picutres of my trip to the Monnie & Bucka Bed & Barkfast, but I got oatmeal every day for breakfast & when Buster had to take medicine I got a piece of ham, every time!

The food service was far superior to what I usually get, so I had my Monnie tell my mom person the details, so she could get it just right.  So far no go, but I’ll be waiting for my oatmeal in the morning.


Friendly Friday


On my other bloggie we’re hosting an event called Friendly Friday.  It’s to PBU members can meet each other plus make new friends!

I’d like to spotlight a new bloggie on the pet blogs block, Oscar, from It’s a Jack Russell’s Life.

Oscar lives in New South Wales Australia, which is on the bottom of the world, my mom person says.

Stop by & say hello to the Oscar with a “c” and tell him Oskar with a “k” sent you!  How can you resist this face?


Anipal Photo Hunt #9: Compromising Position

When I saw that this weeks Anipal Photo Hunt theme was compromising positions I knew I wouldn’t have anything to post. 

But of course my mom person conjured up some evidence of me doing something she called naughty.

This wasn’t me caught in a compromising position, this was me trying to give my stuffie a nubbin tail like mine!

Why don’t you play along today?



Someone may have scratched my mom person’s arm today.

Who me?

Someone may not have been listening to his mom person.

Someone may have been barking his head off at the neighbor dog.

Someone may have accidentally scratched his big baby mom person.

How could the face of this someone possibly be guilty?


Post Bath Crazies!

I was sitting here minding my own business, whem BAM, bathtime came out of nowhere!  I assured there would be no embarassing bath time photo’s, but my mom person was able to capture my post bathtime crazies.

This would have been better as a video but my mom person someone who shall remain nameless, couldn’t remember how to do the video on the camera.  (Hint, push the VIDEO button)

Don’t all of you get the crazies after bath time?  It takes a long time to get my hairs all fixed and smelling right again.  In case you didn’t know miniature schnauzers are one of the few dog breeds that actually have hair and not fur, so that’s why we are almost always hypo-allergenic & we don’t shed!



Camera Critters

I’m working hard trying to help my mom person to get over her sickies.

I’m resting really hard, hoping that it will help her.

Hmm, maybe I should move into the bed.  Even sick this woman won’t get the flashy box out of my face!

Here’s hoping none of you gets the sickies.  You’d better rest up just to make sure!

Check out what all of the other Camera Critters are doing!