Monthly Archives: May 2012

Whoo-Hoo, I Deaded Me A Possum

Just like my mighty friend Puddles, I has deaded me a critter!

It was a dark & stormy night.  OK, it was just a breezy night, but I smelled the wretched stench of interlopers in my territory.

After some quick maneuvering I had my prey.  A viscious possum!

I hunted him and deaded him all by myself.  I am Oskar mighty warrior!

*note from Oskar’s mom person.  Oskar scared the possum into playing dead.  We can’t tell him that though because his ego could not stand the blow.  No possums were deaded in the making of this post.  Just please don’t tell Oskar!


15% Off All Products with Discount Code

I know you’ve seen pictures of me in my EzyDog Chest Plate Harness.

I also have an EzyDog backpack that I’m going to talk about soon.

I wanted to tell you the news about the discount for my friends.  See has an amazing array of harnesses, leashes, collars, doggie floatation devices and backpacks.  They gave me a special code so that all of my friends can get 15% off any order!  Isn’t that cool?

All you have to do is enter EZYPBU (all caps) in the discount code box on the website and you’ll recieve 15% off. 

I want you to know that we’re not getting any kickbacks or anything from EzyDog, we won’t be making any money off of your orders.  EzyDog is our BlogPaws sponsor and since we love the products so much EzyDog wants you to try them too, so viola, a 15% off code.  Cool huh?

Find your peeps money card and hop online to do some spring shopping!  Let me know if you order something, I can’t wait to see what you think!


Sarge’s The Nickname Game

Sarge is hosting The Nickname Game where we are supposed to list the nicknames out peeps call us:
Spindle (my legs look spindly when I a groomed & my schnauzer skirt is removed)
Stinky Pete
Fuzz Butt
Nubbin’ Butt
Barky von Schnauzer
Woozle Face
Mr. Fur Pants

That sums up most of them.  If I think of any more I will add them in later.

Now you, my readers, are supposed to leave a comment telling me which nickname you like best.  Once we have a favorite, my peeps are only supposed to call me by that name for a week.

So read through my list & tell me your favorite & visit Sarge to play for yourself, you can enter up until 5/18.