Monthly Archives: April 2012

Oskar vs. The Outback

On my camping trip I found my way into the rugged Outback.

Carefully I explored the edges of the wild before venturing in.

Upon entering the Outback there is an eerie silence & I know that my survival in these harsh conditions isn’t guaranteed.

Ooh, a tasty morsel of something that has passed the way before me…or part of an old hot dog.

Deeper into the brush I go.

I could discover a ‘roo or a wallaby, or maybe a whole new species that they will name after me!

Oh no, I fear I have become trapped…

Gaa, I am ensnared by the very wilderness that I came to tame!

Luckily I know never to explore alone. 

Having a partner can save your life in treacherous conditions like these.

At last I emerge safe & victorious over this harsh landscape.

Oskar, explorer of the dangerous, signing off.


Guess Where I Am?

Can you guess where I am?

I guess it should be, can you guess what I’m doing?  My mom person is with me…

and my dad person is with me, too.

I’m camping!

But who goes camping when it’s in the low 40’s?  My peeps that’s who!  Guess where I hung out when it got too cold for me (I don’t like campfires.  Fires scare me are too hot.)

Hmm, I thought this was gonna be fun…we’ll have to see if it warms up.


My Summer Do

Since spring came early this year, I was forced to got my hair cut.  I got my nakie summer cut & even though I don’t like the process, I do look more excessively handsome than usual.

Since I was so snarly, I got my schnauzer skirt cut off.  You can see me here among the terribly messy room!

Here’s one where I’m sitting pretty.

Can we stop with the pictures now please?

Being this handsome is exhausting!


A Bath Before Grooming???

So my peeps in their delusional state infinite wisdom decided that before I went for my grooming, I had to have a bath.  These people are just into torture, I’m sure of it. 

Here are some always fun post bath crazies.

Hi mom!

Here’s a gratuitous shot of my adorable curly-haired nubbin butt post bath.

Now let me out so I can get this pina colada stink off me!


Bitey Hand With My Boy Jack

This post needs little narration.  Bitey hand is a way that I let my people know who is in charge around here.

You can see that the session ended with Jack petting me, which obviously shows that I have won yet again. 

I hope you enjoy me furry look, because my nakie cut is right around the corner!


VET Is a Four Letter Word

Hey guys,

We missed a couple days cause my mom person missed the hospital so much that she went back on Sunday.  This time it was her pancreas having a hissy fit.  She figures her spleen will be next. *eyeroll*

On Saturday I had to endure the VET!  They are always so nice, “Oh hi, Oskar”, “What a nice boy you are, Oskar”, then BOOM out comes the thermometer!

The door’s right here, can you just open it for me??

There are a lot of cool smells in here…smells like doggies tears.

I’m hiding out!

Hey, just take me home & I’ll be good, I promise!

My dad person loves me, surely he’ll get me out of this mess…

Look how horrifying this place looks!

Hello, Dr. Lady…keep that probe thingy to yourself.


I better leave pee-mail to warn all the other critters!

They took some of my blood, gave me shots & stuck a probe up my hiney!  The good news is that I’m healthy & I don’t have to go back for a long time.
