Category Archives: sleeping

Twisted Sleeping

I’ve been working on my sleeping positions.  We all know how important sleeping positions are and I think this is a good one.  Make sure you stretch before trying this advanced sleeping technique.

You notice that my head is going in a different direction than my body.

I think I’m ready for the 2012 Olympics plus the flashy box woman can’t disturb me!


No Rest For The Oskar

Camera Critters

Sorry we’ve been gone all week. My mom person tried to get sick again, but we wouldn’t let her!

She couldn’t sleep last night, so she was up on the computer at about 4 a.m. My dad person got up too, but he & I decided the best thing would be to curl up on the couch and take a nap.


Guess who decided it would be the perfect time for the flashy box??


Woman, just because you can’t sleep it doesn’t mean the rest of us wouldn’t like to!


Just one more, of course. What would a post about me trying to sleep be without an embarassing sleep-woozle picture. *sigh*


There you go, woozle shot, now scram!


Fine if you can’t leave me alone, I’ll retreat to my nest to sleep.


*double sigh*

Find out what the other Camera Critters are up to today!

* Click here to enter to win a Jump Start Get Moving Family Fitness Wii game from my mom person’s blog.


The Sunshine Spot

Ahh, lovely fall sunshine.

A perfect place for a nap.


Feline intruder!


She’s sleeping, here’s my chance to get back in without getting swapped in the nose.

Creeping back into the sunshine.

Ahh, back to my nap with no punch in the nose. Success!!

Hello friends, I have missed you all since my mom person has been sick. We are going to make the rounds and visit you all tonight and I can’t wait to see what you have all been up to.

My mom person wanted to thank you all for all of the get well love you sent her way. She is feeling much better and does not plan to return to the hospital any time soon.


Joy, Charlie & Sammy Rock!!

O.K., so yesterday my mom person came in and said I had a package in the mail. I didn’t recall ordering anything, so I was stumped.

Well, when we opened the card, we found out it was from our friend Joy from Joy To The Blog & her pets Charlie & Sammy.

They knew that I had worried about the cats that live here throwing up on my nesting pillows,


so they actually bought me this super cute (but very manly) pillow as a back up !!!


I tried to take it outside, but my mom person said no, it could only go outside if I’m sharing the hammock with someone.


They also sent this cool hoof for me to chew on.


It did make my mom person throw up in her mouth a little bit.


But my boy Jack thought it was cool. He even used it as a nose.


Yes, that is a side mirror behind Jack. A side mirror that is no longer attached to my mom person’s van. She says it’s because my other boy John David drives now. She got kind of excited about it.

Anyway back to me! Good thing I had my new backup pillow.


I thought it would be the cats I needed to fend off from my nest, but it turned out that I had a different traitor in my midst!


So thanks & wags to Joy & Charlie & Sammy. It was really nice of you to think of me. Plus I think the colors of this new pillow are really more me. I think I’m an Autumn!
